Traveling is nice but not always ends with a happy ending! Below are a few suggestions in case your journey takes you directly from the dream like beach to the surgery. In the end it´s just another journey! Isn´t it the reason why we travel? To look for the unknown and the unpredictable?
- Rule number 1: the first and the foremost: make sure you have a good insurance that covers even the flower bunch in your hospital room!
Rule number 2: you are not going to be bored if you have a mobile phone on you, right in your pocket and much less if you are yourself in the state of being able to call an ambulance, talk with the doctors, call your parents to tell them that although you had a sever accident but you are alive and can talk…
- Rule number 3: Spend as much time as possible on facebook. It makes time fly by and gives another dimension to your accident, injuries, pain… It enables you to share your weakest moments, sleepless nights, your sorrow and happiness. It gives you some distance to your own situation and makes it an interactive theater scene where the spectators have active participation.
- Rule number 4: Take it with philosophy and a lot of sense of humour. You might even want to get a bit alternative and think about the universe and how insignificant your little accident can be to the entire humanity.
Rule number 5: don´t think about how long more it would take to recover. Just think as far as tomorrow or maximum next week. It makes it more entertaining and less frustrating than when you keep on counting down the days and thinking that there are still 6 damned months left to get back on your feet and a few more surgeries.
- Rule number 6: take it as a life lesson, as a warning and do whatever you always wanted to do but never did. Start with reading all those interesting books that you had on your long list, those emails that you always wanted to write to people you care about but never find the time…
- Rule number 7: keeps your eyes and ears open just in case you will find the love of your life right at the hospital. Who knows if you are just about to make long lasting friends, meet new people and hear new stories.
- Rule number 8: choose a hotel room, Uppss! A hospital room with a great view. You are going to have a lot of time to gaze at it.
- Rule number 9: Be nice to your doctor & the stuff. You depend on them.
امیدوارم که دیگه هیچوقت تصادف نکنی و همیشه از موتور سواری لذت ببری و یه روزی برسه که بتونیم با هم یه سفر بریم
بهترین ها
I just read your post, an acciden is horrible, an like you say to let you pass the time of your recovering I send some links of videos and my web so you could kill some time!! Get better !! enjoy