114 days of riding around and its stats:
KM riding around Africa: 16.800 kms
From which tracks: roughly 1.500 kms
Number of times we fell down: 15
Visits to the mechanic: 11
Border crossings: 28
Police checkpoints we were stopped at: 50 at least in Mauritania, many in Western Sahara, a lot in Gambia, a few in Guinea & Senegal and only 2 in Mali
Number of bribes: 1 in Dakar
Number of days crossing the Sahara: 12
Number of days crossing the Sahara with sand storm: 3 absolutely detestable days
Number of days with rain: 6
Longest ride: from Kiffa to Bamako for 16 hours! Never ever again
Number of ferries we took: 5
Days we spent at hotels: 60
Days of camping: 24
Days spent at people´s –locals & expats- places: 23
Days sleeping rough: 2
Days sleeping in the desert: 6
Days sleeping on a boat: 35 hours of boat ride through the river Niger in Mali. Absolutely recommended
Days spent at the seaside: 19
Worse hotel: Fes/Morocco –don´t even want to remember the name, Brothel/hotel/club in Sigiri/Guinea, -I doubt if it had any name at all-
Best hotels: Auberge Djamilla in Bamako, Sister hostel in Pita/Guinea, Keur Maia in Saly/Senegal
Guided tours we took: 3 in Timbuktu, Dogon country –I wish we had not taken it- and hiking in Fouta Djalon
Islands we visited: 1
Days spent on peninsulas: 21 days in Dakhla, Nouadhibou, Dakar & Saint Louis
Number of mountain chains we crossed: 5, Anti Atlas, Fouta Djalon, Middle Atlas, High Atlas and Rif
Number of big rivers we crossed: 3, River Niger, River Gambia, River Senegal
Number of concerts: 4 full days in Timbuktu and 4 more times
Number of private parties we´ve been to: 5
Number of nights out: 3
Number of hang over: 1 time David in Dakar, a really bad one
Hottest places: Guinea & Casamance
Coldest places: Morocco. It was freezing cold both when we arrived in December and then when we were heading back again in April.
The most difficult ride: Guinean Tracks around Fouta Djalon area
The most surrealist country: Mauritania. Go and check it out by yourself!
Most beautiful landscape: Mauritanian desert and its endless variety, fairytale like vegetation in Casamance and impressive Moroccan Mountains
Best food: None. Maybe the fresh juice stands in Morocco
Number of bottles of wine purchased: 6-sevenish
Nicest people: Scattered around but generally Morocco no matter if Berber, Arab or people from Western Sahara
Worse people: Senegal –except for Casamance- & of course Dakar
Poorest country: Guinea
Different cultural or national identities we had the chance to learn about a little bit: the Berbers in Morocco, people in Sahara, Djola people in Casamance, the Moors in Mauritania –white & Arabic speaking Mauritanians-, Bambara & Soninke in Mali, Tuaregs in northern Mali, Dogon people in Mali, Peul people in Fouta Djalon/Guinea, Sere in Gambia and Senegal, Mandinka in Gambia, Susu in costal part of Guinea, Wolof in Senegal
Number of diarrheas: Mahsa: 1, David: 2
Number of days being sick: Mahsa: 4, David: 2
Most expensive country: Senegal
Cheapest country: Depends on what but generally Guinea
Physically biggest nation: Senegal
Most aggressive people: Senegal except for Casamance
Cheapest gas: Western Sahara followed by Morocco
Most expensive gas: Senegal followed by Gambia
Most beautiful people: Senegal
Taxis most loaded: Guinea
Best fish: Catch of the day in Cap Skiring & Kafountine/Casamance
Best surf/kite surf spots: Dakhla, Essauira /Morocco
Most common drink: foamy green tea & Nescafe!
Ingredient most used in cooking: Maggi
Most typical breakfast in black Africa: bread spread with mayonnaise
Most amazing thing throughout the journey: the freedom to move around and see different realities day by day
Most horrible thing: the situation and exploitation of the women throughout Africa
Spectacular web page. A lot of handy details in this article. Now i am transmitting that to a couple good friends ans as well giving with delectable. And obviously, cheers in your attempt!