From the sun-drenched plains of Dorne to the age-old fortresses of King’s Landing, Andalusia offers a mesmerizing backdrop for some of the saga’s most unforgettable moments. Come with us on a journey deep into the heart of this captivating region, tracing the paths of beloved characters and immersing yourself in the essence of Westeros in the real world.
Prepare for an adventure filled with intrigue, drama, and the timeless splendor of Andalusia’s stunning landscapes. Whether a Game of Thrones fan or an explorer, join us as we reveal enchanting Game of Thrones sets in Seville.

We’re all aware of how wonderful Seville is and that every corner is worth a visit, because just like us, that’s what the director og Game of Thrones thought too.
The province of Seville has been the backdrop for the filming of major scenes from Game of Thrones. Some of the most spectacular historical sites in the Andalusian capital perfectly reflect landmarks from the legendary series. Places you can’t miss, whether you’re a fan of the series or not.
Reales Alcázares
During the fifth and sixth seasons, this marvel of the Andalusian capital became one of the Game of Thrones sets in Seville, the exotic Kingdom of Dorne. These royal gardens bring to life the Water Gardens of Dorne.

Alcazar Gardens. Photo Credit: Real Alcázar de Sevilla
The Royal Alcazar of Seville (Real Alcázar de Sevilla) was originally built between 1346 and 1366. Although builders constructed it during Seville’s Christian period, they designed it in the Andalusian Mudejar style. This style blends Christian and Moorish architectural elements. For instance, gold-painted ceilings and colorful tiled walls adorn it. Directors chose this location as the primary setting for Dorne due to its unique blend of styles.
Even more striking is when they bring Jaime Lannister before the king of Dorne after his failed attempt to rescue Myrcella. In this scene, we can appreciate the marvelous golden dome of the Hall of Ambassadors, built in the 15th century.
Thus, Ellaria Sand, lover of Prince Oberyn Martell, talks with Doran Martell in one of the viewpoints overlooking the Maidens Courtyard. She watches Myrcella Lannister with hatred as she walks with Prince Trystane Martell. The viewpoint is the Renaissance Grotto Gallery.

It’s also worth noting the scene shot in the Baths of Doña María de Padilla, named after the mistress of King Don Pedro. In them, Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes conspire against Doran Martell.

Baths of Doña Maria. Photo Credit: El Patio Colorao
Reales Atarazanas
This beautiful building is part of the monuments of the city of Seville. It emerged as shipyards in the 13th century, during the time of AlfonsoX the Wise, for the construction of galleys. They were located in the Arenal neighborhood, near the Guadalquivir River and the Torre del Oro.
This place was one of the Game of Thrones sets in Seville of the seventh and final seasons. In the seventh season, we can see that the spaces of its Gothic arches house the skulls of the ancient dragons. These are King’s Landing basements, where Qyburn shows Queen Cersei a crossbow to destroy Daenerys’ dragons.

Meanwhile, in the penultimate episode of the series, these shipyards once again become a prominent space the Game of Thrones sets in Seville. This is the setting for a beautiful between Cersei and Jaime Lannister.
We know that exploring is very tiring so the best way to rest and recharge your batteries is with some good tapas and a good flamenco show.
The town of Osuna was another chosen location for the Game of Thrones sets in Seville. Here, the Daznak’s Pitt was situated during the fifth season. For this, the filming crew opted for the old bullring, designed by the architect Aníbal González. The episode called “Dance of Dragons” was filmed here.

Bullring of Osuna. Photo Credit: El Patio Colorao
In its Historical Museum, two rooms have been set up tp host an exhibition about the filming of this series. Both rooms, named “Ice and Fire Hall”, nod to the Song of Ice and Fire saga. Additionally, bars and restaurants feature delicious dishes on their menus that make up the “Game of Thrones Menu.”

Outside of the Game of Thrones filming sets, Osuna is home to numerous Renaissance and Baroque-style monuments. Additionally, visitors can take a stroll along San Pedro Street, which has been declared one of the most beautiful streets in Spain by UNESCO.
Italica Roman Ruins
Another one of the Game of Thrones sets in Seville is the ruins of the Roman city of Italica, which date back to the year 206 BC. They are located in the town of Santiponce and two of the most important Roman emperors in history were born here: Trajan and Hadrian.
There suins are declared a Cultural Heritage Site due to their great significance. In them, we can see the perfect example of a Roman city. Among other attractions, it features a spectacularly sized amphitheater.
In its streets and mainly in its amphitheater, the episode titled “The Dragon and the Wolf,” which is part of the seventh season, unfolds. Precisely, the amphitheater is the Game of Thrones set for the Dragonpit ruins and Cersei and Daenerys meeting.

If you want to recreate these legendary scenes, we recommend visiting these wonderful ruins, as they will surely leave a lasting impression on you.
But there’s more; it wasn’t just Seville that enchanted the director, they also visited other magical places worth of admiration.
Another stop of the Game of Thrones sets was the province of Cordoba, both its capital and one of its towns.
The Roman Bridge, protagonist of thousands of images of the Córdoba with the Mosque-Cathedral in the background, is also part of the Game of Thrones sets. It turned into the Long Bridge of Volantis spanning the River Rhoyne. Just like for Cordoba, in Game of Thrones, it also served to announce the entrance to their city for Tyrion Lannister or Yara and Theon visiting Volantis to meet with Daenerys.

Almodovar del Rio
A town located a few kilometers from the capital of Cordoba (in the Middle of Guadalquivir Valley) and known for its enormous castle, a fortress of Muslim origin dating back to the year 760.
The imposing silhouette of the Castle of Almodovar del Rio inspired Highgarden, the stronghold of House Tyrell. Here took place the legendary death of Olenna Tyrell, poisoned with a glass of wine.
If you want to visit this magical place or to add it to your trip contact us.

Castle of Almodovar del Rio. Photo Credit: RTVE
The Alcazaba of Almería, a National Historic Monument since 1931, represented the Water Gardens of Dorne. It was chosen along with the Royal Alcazar of Seville for the scene where Ellaria Sand murders Doran Martell. In the Cabo de Gata area, we find the Mesa Roldan Watchtower, which Drogon used to perch.

Andalusia is an astonishing region, with a great cultural richness that makes us all fall in love with it, and this is a proof of that. Whether a fan or not, visiting these places will captivate you, especially when paired with the region’s wonderful experiences. You can’t leave without tasting its gastronomy and contemplating its great art.
Make sure to contact us if you are looking for a tailor-made tour to discover Seville and Andalusia tailored to your preferences and interests!