Safety Tips as a Solo Female Traveler in Tangier Morocco : 7 Essentials

Tips to travel to Morocco

Tangier is a vibrant city that attracts many travelers, including those who travel on their own. However, as with any other destination, it’s important to be aware of certain safety concerns to ensure a safe trip. Moreover, although traveling solo as a female can be empowering, it can also be quite daunting, especially in a foreign country. So, if you’re planning a trip to Tangier, here there are some essential safety tips as a solo female traveler in Tangier Morocco. They may be useful to help you navigate the city with confidence and ensure an enjoyable and safe journey.


Packing for Morocco can be a difficult task, especially when it’s warm in the country. Local women dress conservatively, but tourists show a wider range of outfits. To avoid any cultural misunderstandings, our recommendation is to opt for something appropriate that protects you and respects the local culture. It is important that you cover your shoulders, chest and legs. You should also avoid wearing tight or revealing clothing as it may attract more unwanted attention. In the more conservative areas (or the less touristy ones) you could also opt for wearing a headscarf. By dressing appropriately, you ensure a much better travel experience for yourself as you perfectly blend in. Thus, these safety tips as a solo female traveler in Tangier Morocco about dressing modestly will help you stay safer during your journey.


One of the most important safety tips as a solo female traveller in Tangier Morocco is avoiding walking alone at night. This is general advice for all travelers, but it’s especially relevant for women traveling on their own. We recommend that you avoid walking back to places on your own at night and avoid those poorly lit areas. If you need to go out at night or you need to return to your hotel after a day out, you should opt for taking a taxi. Solo travelers tend to make friends along the journey, so if this is your case, you could also ask to be walked back or at least let them know where you’re going so that they can keep an eye on you!


It is always important to research your accommodation to ensure a safe stay, especially as a solo female traveler. We recommend that you always look for hotels and hostels that have good reviews online – and check those on multiple websites so that the reviews are reliable. You should also research the area the hotels are in to see if they’re safe areas or not. Hotels that have 24-hour security and front desks may be useful in case you need assistance and any point. You may have seen this advice everywhere by now, but it’s essential to always lock all doors and windows when you are inside your room and double-check the security of those. Moreover, one of the most important safety tips as a solo female traveler in Tangier Morocco is to perhaps consider avoiding shared rooms (which are more budget-friendly) and opt for private rooms. You can always ask other female travelers for recommendations! They will surely be able to help you out!


As any other traveler, you should make sure that your valuables are hidden and secure at all times. This means keeping your passport, money, credit cards or other important documents in secure locations, such as the hotel safe. You should also avoid taking large amounts of cash with you (and carry it safely in like a money belt). As mentioned before, you don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself, so we recommend avoiding wearing expensive jewelry that can make you an easier target for theft. Furthermore, you should also avoid using ATM machines that are in isolated areas to avoid any theft risks. You should also be discreet when using your phone or camera to avoid getting those stolen. These are just general tips that apply to all travelers, but they are great to keep in mind to enjoy a worry-free trip.


Another important part of our safety tips as a solo female traveler in Tangier Morocco is to keep an eye out on your surroundings. You should pay attention to the people around you – in the streets, at the Bazaars, at restaurants, at shops, etc. You shouldn’t walk with your head down or look at your phone, as that may make you an easier target. Always walk with your head up and look around. If you feel unsafe in any area, you should always follow your instincts and leave until you feel more comfortable. As we mentioned above, it is important to avoid walking alone at night, especially in poorly-lit or isolated areas.


In order to protect your safety, it is fundamental that you use reliable transportation means when traveling solo in Tangier. You should never take any unmarked taxis or accept rides from strangers. You should be aware of the existence of Petit Taxis and Grand Taxis. Petit Taxis are generally for trips within the city (i.e: from your hotel to the station). Keep in mind that these taxis can pick up other passengers along the journey so it may be shocking at first. On the other hand, Gran Taxis can also make trips to other cities and areas. They are usually bigger, but they won’t leave until all spaces in the taxi are filled in to split costs. If you’d rather book an Uber, you should then be aware that Uber does not operate in Tangier. But don’t worry!

You can use Careem, which works similarly to Uber. In the app, you can book a cab for yourself. However, make sure you have cash on you, as you cannot make any payments through the app. When getting to/from the airport, it’s best to ask your hotel to arrange the transport for you to avoid getting involved in any taxi mafia.


Other safety tips as a solo female traveler in Tangier Morocco is to research the culture and customs of the city. This is useful to understand what is considered appropriate behavior and dress and what is considered disrespectful towards their culture. As we said, local women dress conservatively, and foreign women are expected to dress respectfully. You should also be aware of any local laws, especially those which involve the prohibition of alcohol in certain areas! It’s also a great idea to learn some useful phrases in Arabic or French to help you communicate with locals and navigate the city. Doing this research will help you avoid any cultural misunderstandings and stay safer.

In conclusion, as in any other country, Morocco can be great for a solo trip, but there are a few safety tips to follow. It’s important to minimize any risk and ensure a safe journey to enjoy this beautiful and exciting destination. It could also be a great idea to join guided tours through the city to explore it. This will ensure that you visit Tangier with someone who knows how to get around but also that you safely explore it. It’s also a great chance to meet other solo travelers! If you want some ideas on what to do in Tangier, you can check this blog post for some inspiration! Lastly, we also recommend getting private transfers if you want to avoid using public transportation on your own. Overall, taking these simple precautions may make your trip more memorable and safer, so we hope that these tips as a female solo traveler in Tangier Morocco will be helpful for your upcoming trip!

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